Sarah goes deep, aims high and strives to create a vertical transformation... EVERY TIME

Motivational/Personal Development Keynote
Own Your Story So Your Story Doesn't Own You

Take a journey into the mind where our self-doubt is found. We will unpack and debunk the stories we tell ourselves and give ourselves the permission to explore a whole new world of possibility.
Sarah masterfully recounts her story after becoming paralyzed from an ATV accident in a way that others can see themselves in their own moments of impact. She will help the audience see that confidence is actually an action word and empower them to take inspired action into the story they want to write, and therefore a life they want to live.
Your Audience Can Expect To
Breakthrough to new awarenesses, opening them up to be willing to overcome their blocks
Have fun in the process of healing and personal growth. When we actually enjoy ourselves, we are much more likely to remember what we've learned and use it in our lives.
Take action AS the person they are striving to become. The audience will use the Iconic Identity Method to build momentum immediately.

Resilience/Innovation Keynote

How often have we blamed and resented our circumstances for messing up our plans?
Sarah is a strong advocate for using everything to our advantage and not playing the victim to life. While being featured in Your Second Act, author Patricia Heaton told Sarah she was Kintsugi, which is the Japanese art form in which broken pieces are mended with gold to celebrate the break. Sarah mended her life in the same way and guides her audiences through her immersive four step G.O.L.D. Technique leaving them celebrating their cracks and flips.
Your Audience Can Expect To
Tap into the root of why and where they are still in the "ditch" and gain strategy and confidence for getting out
Better understand how to "back up" in order to move forward.
Learn the single factor that separates those from being stuck in a pattern and those who are "lucky". The audience will learn how to create their own luck.

Leadership/Ignite Change Keynote
Becoming a
Vertical Leader

An Icon is someone who holds firm to their own vision, values and aesthetic, completely changing the way we used to see something. A Vertical Icon is someone who does this not only for their own good, but the greater good of others and the world. In order to be an effective leader, one must have clarity, vision and be heart-centered - and it begins within themselves. Using her transformational Iconic Identity Method, Sarah will lead your audience on an unforgettable journey to breakthrough from "I can't" to ICON and know how to bring it to their teams.
Your Audience Can Expect To
Gain tacticle tools to lead themselves through any setback in a way that leads their teams with strength and integrity
Learn how to embody and teach the Icon within as a strategy to become more innovative, overcome obstacles and reach new levels
Begin implementing Sarah's four step technique to get on the S.I.D.E. of their audiences, teams and clients to create lasting change

I have received so much positive feedback from staff and students on how powerful the guidance was.
I was so impressed with how you connected your message to students. Parent pressure is a real thing in our group, you totally tackled that.
I've been chewing on the experience for a few days and not even close to getting it all down. The Kintsugi teaching will be applied to every one of our kids that come through our program.
James Clupf
Head Coach, Eagle Mustangs
The whole room was connected and Sarah opened up our awareness to who we really are. The topics were perfect for my clients and what stood out was that we get to decide why we have had hardships in our lives. She is passionate, comes from a place of authenticity and totally exceeded our expectations.
Todd Sylvester
Best Selling Author, Podcast Host
I enjoyed having Sarah’s full of life energy in each session. She has the most amazing way of encouraging you to push through your struggles and own who you are! I adored each member of our group. We created a special bond! Sarah has inspired me for years and I am beyond excited that I took the initiative to reach out to her. Sarah has lit a fire within me to pursue my dreams! She is a fabulous coach and mentor!
Brianna Grace
Vertical Course Graduate
You should now hopefully be in the position to have enough information to decide if Sarah is the kind of professional you would like to engage with for your event – if so, then here’s how the booking process works:
Complete the form on this page to connect with Lisa (Sarah's booking agent) and confirm availability and basic requirements.
If it will be of service to you, we’ll schedule a call with Sarah to discuss the plans for your event and check that there is a good fit.
Contracts and deposits are completed.
On acceptance, we’ll send you access to Sarah's ‘Meeting Planner Area’ where you’ll find full bios, images and full details that you can use to make your hire as effortless as possible.
Logistics and/or travel arrangements made and communicated to all stakeholders.
Prior to the event will be a further briefing and planning calls as needed to ensure that all details have been considered and knowledge of your expectations are ready to be exceeded.
Sarah will be in touch personally the day prior to the event to confirm final details.​
However, if you have any specific questions or would prefer to speak to us directly, please contact Lisa at Bookings@VerticalBlonde.com